2011년 7월 4일 월요일

Yay Summer vacation is nigh Yey

As I wrote in the previous post, I think I would not have many photographing opportunities for couple years at least.

But I should not miss this one. SHOULD.NOT.MISS.

I think you all know who my favorite skaters are. But I'm going to specify here. My favorite male skaters of all time are Kurt Browning, Alexei Yagudin and Patrick Chan. (In descending order) They changed my point of view on skating.
And what would you do if two of them are skating at the same event for the first time and you can actually go to watch them skate, with conquerable difficulties?

So I'm going to Artistry on Ice 2011 held in China! Wheeeeeeee!!
I always dreamed of this situation and it's gonna happen much earlier than I expected actually. I'm glad, soooooo GLAD that the deadly summer heat of Beijing and extraordinary humidity of Shanghai would not be a single problem! (at least for now, I think...) I like being in China BTW; I have been there for three times and always enjoyed my time in there. Food was great (I know some people hate the chinese spice; I am certainly not) and the energy from people was overwhelming. Cannot wait the departure day!

And hell yea, Kurt and Patrick will skate together here in Korea in August. As always photographing will not be allowed but the participants list is my dream cast so far I feel obligated to go:) Full of skating this summer! ...well, not so filled but two events would be enough for me, I hope...

So if I return from China w/o any accidental situation I'll inform here whether I could take some pics. Hope they allow me to use my camera. That's one of the main reason to go to China in this HOOOOOOOT July, anyway!

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